Kolya Souvorin

Latest Release of Translator

15 Sep 2024

The latest version of the English to Kinyarwanda translator is now available at: https://huggingface.co/spaces/souvorinkg/english-kinyarwanda.

Previously, the space was frequently going down, so I simplified the hosting using Gradio Spaces, which is available as part of HuggingFace. Right now, it supports two-way translation much better than the previous model. The space is free to maintain, which is a huge plus, and it serves as a proof of concept that combining back translation and NMT can beat traditional methods that rely on parallel corpora.

However, this version still has some issues:

  • It is slow, and inconsistently so, with some requests failing to get any result within 20 seconds.
  • On load up, the translation time is too high.
  • The translation scales poorly with input size—long sentences and paragraphs cause huge delays.
  • The solution doesn’t scale well to multiple languages, which would be far more useful than just two languages.

The next major update of the translator will focus on improving the speed as much as possible using Gradio. If speed cannot be further improved, I’ll look for alternative hosting platforms.

Stay tuned for updates!